Freddy's Future

Raised: $49,905
Goal: $45,000

We invite you to be part of One Renbrook Community Table. At its heart, One Renbrook is about community. This annual event combines a remote community table dinner with a fun and engaging Zoom program to connect and inspire all of us.


A highlight of the event, and what you will find here, is our Renbrook-centric, carefully curated online auction to support our students, teachers, and the school that brings us together.


We are honored that you and your family have chosen to be a part of our community. We are grateful for your support, and we look forward to celebrating with you on Saturday, April 10, at 6 p.m. In the meantime, we hope you will peruse our auction offerings and bid on those that speak to you.


Thank you to all in our community - our parents, grandparents, teachers and staff, our alumni and their families, and our volunteers, sponsors and advertisers.


Together, we are One Renbrook.

Freddy's Future

Raised: $49,905
Goal: $45,000

One Renbrook Online Auction

7:00 PM April 7, 2021
6:15 PM April 10, 2021